Douglass-Truth & Friend


Born in 1953, in Indianapolis, into a family famous for its mechanics, bricklayers, and lawyers, Cracraft was cursed with a heightened sensibility combined with very poor taste. Remedial education through the years have brought him up to speed on this very important part of the artist’s toolkit. Artistically speaking, he has spent much of his life as a writer and short order cook based on the mistaken impression that he was color blind.

When this misapprehension was corrected, Cracraft began a riotous rampage through paper and pastels, discovering that indeed, “He never met a color he didn’t like.”


Truth has worked as a civil engineer and surveyor, chef, truck driver, salesman, advertising director, building dismantler, English teacher, and destructive downhill ski tester. Failing distinction in any of the above, he founded in 1969 the now notorious Douglass-Truth Institute, unindicted publisher of an off-beat humorous newsletter, crackpot rants, comics, and postcards, as well as manufacturer and distributor of coffee mugs and T-shirts.Truth abuses the privileges of his position of chief archivist in this so far non-profit organization as egregiously as possible, and has used his power and influence in order to get his articles and stories printed in Boing-Boing, Possessed, PDXS, The Party Paper, The Evolutionary Rag, Creator, Talking Raven, and other magazines of questionable distinction.


During his extensive researches and travels in Asia, Truth revived an ancient Japanese method of printmaking, called the Doroto print. Based on a spirit-transfer process, the Doroto method is not for the techgnostically uninitiated.

The past five years has seen the launch of a prodigious and fruitful period for Douglass-Truth. To keep abreast of his latest works, shows and exhibits visit Douglass-Truth Art.

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